
What We Believe

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Our Statement of Faith

We believe:

  • In the Bible as the Divinely inspired inerrant Word of God, the revelation of His mind and will to man, our infallible, all-sufficient guide for salvation and for the Christian life (II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:20-21)
  • In One God, the Creator of all, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • In the total depravity of the nature of man through his fall in the garden of Eden, and the absolute inability of man to save himself from eternal punishment by his own works (Genesis 3; Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • In the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved (I Thessalonians 4:17) and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost (Revelation 20:11-15)
  • In the finished work of Christ on the Cross of Calvary, through which sacrifice Christ has effected complete and eternal redemption, God setting His seal of approval on the work of Christ by raising Him bodily from among the dead, enthroned Him at His own right hand in heaven and that He is Head of the church, the Lord of the individual, the High Priest over the House of God and Advocate in the family of God
  • In the immediate and eternal salvation of every person who truly believes on Christ and by faith rests on His finished work as the only righteous ground on which a Holy God can forgive sins
  • That all who by faith receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour are born again of the Holy Spirit, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and by the Holy Spirit baptised into the Body of Christ, the Church, of which He is the risen and ascended Head (I Corinthians 12:12-14; Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18)
  • That the early church met together and continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42) – God’s pattern for the church today
  • In the personal, imminent, and premillennial coming of the Lord to the air to Rapture (catch up) the Church (I Thessalonians 4:13-17)
  • In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is true God and true man begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and that He has a perfect and sinless humanity (John 1:1; Philippians 2:6; Matthew 1:23-25; I John 3:5)
  • In the revelation of Christ in glory at His Second Advent to the earth to establish His Kingdom on earth and to reign in righteousness (II Thessalonians 1:6-10; Philippians 2:9-11)
  • It to be the response of all believers to be baptised by immersion in water as a mark of obedience to the command of Christ that all disciples should be baptised (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:41-42)
  • In the priesthood of all believers and encourage all to fulfil their roles according to the teaching laid down in the Bible. In view of modern pressures, we note specifically the teaching regarding the role of men and women in the public worship of the Church (I Timothy 2:8-14; I Corinthians 14:33-35)
  • That God has given spiritual gifts to the believers for the benefits of the church and seek to develop these in the lives of each believer. However we are not a charismatic church, in the modern, narrow sense of that word, and so do not teach or encourage believers to speak in “tongues” or “prophetic utterances”
  • In marriage as defined and instituted by God as the holistic union of one man to one woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life (Matthew 19:5-9). When so defined, marriage is the only Biblically valid/legitimate context for sexual expression of any kind when engaged in by mutual consent and limited in all senses only to the parties of that marriage union (1 Corinthians 7:2-6; Hebrews 13:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:2-8). As the foundational relationship of the family, marriage as defined above provides the optimal environment for producing and raising children (Genesis 2:24).

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Christian Community Churches of Australia

Craigmore Christian Church is a part of the network of the Christian Community Churches of Australia.

We affirm the Statement of Faith and the Doctrines of the Christian Community Churches of Australia.

Statement of Faith of CCCAust

Statement of Faith – Christian Community Churches Australia (

We believe the Bible as originally given by God is divinely inspired, infallible, and entirely trustworthy, and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct, from which we can know that:

- God: There is one true eternal creator God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

- Creation: God created all things, making man and woman in His own image and for relationship with Him.

- Sin: Sin entered into the world through human disobedience following the rebellion of Satan against God.

- Christ: The Son, Christ Jesus, was born of a virgin and lived as a sinless man. Out of the abundance of God’s love the Father gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die to save all people from sin. Christ rose from the grave defeating the power of sin.

- Salvation: The death and resurrection of Christ brings salvation by grace through faith to those who repent, seek forgiveness, and believe in Him.

- Spirit: The Holy Spirit, following Jesus’ return to His Father in heaven, lives within those who have salvation as a comforter and guide, guaranteeing their eternal hope.

- The Church: The true universal Church is a spiritual entity composed of all individuals who put their faith in Jesus Christ. God has called individual Christians to meet together as local churches.

- Life: Those who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are called to live a transformed life and as such we have the responsibility to:

- Encourage other Christians through meeting together for worship and fellowship;

- Uphold moral directives and ethical values contained in the Bible as expressed within the context of their personal life, their marriage life (the covenantal relationship of one man and one woman), and their relationships with others;

- Share the good news to all the world;

- Be active in expressing God’s love through social justice.

- Eternity: Jesus is the only way to a relationship with God. Those who have received salvation have eternal life as joint heirs with Christ. Those who do not believe in Christ are separated from God for eternity.

- Return & New Creation: Christ will return as Lord to the earth and everyone will see him. There will be a new heaven and a new earth.

These statements we are called to believe, uphold, and proclaim to all persons in all spheres of life.


Microsoft Word - CCCAust Doctrinal Statement Ver 2003.01.docx


Our Core Values

Our Core Values – What Matters To Us

In 2002, we studied the Book of Acts and found the following eight things are what mattered to the early church. They are also the things that matter to us too…

- the Pre-eminence and Lordship of the resurrected Jesus Christ,

- a deep, and expectant, dependence upon the Holy Spirit for His filling and empowering.

- a whole-hearted submission to the absolute authority of the Word of God,

- a dependence on, and an intimacy with God expressed through prayer, and the meditation on His Word,

- a deep commitment to fellowship with the local body of believers, characterised by submission and sacrificial service,

- a sense of calling, and a passion for the mission of reaching a lost world with the gospel of faith and repentance,

- the worth of every person, created in God’s image, tho’ tragically lost, yet for whom Christ died to redeem, in order to transform into His own likeness and powerfully use.

- the expectation of dynamic growth of the church, in number, in extent of influence, and in Christ-like character.

Our Mission – Why We Are Here

“Craigmore Christian Church exists to raise up disciples of Jesus Christ to reach a lost world.”

These words resonate with Matthew 28:19-20. They touch on both the global scope and personal depth of the Great Commission. Making disciples is the church’s business. “Raising up disciples” implies that those who are reached by our mission in turn embrace it themselves. The term “disciple” implies qualities that Jesus Himself prescribed. A New Testament disciple is someone who…

- Puts Christ first in his life and is taking steps to separate from sin

- Maintains a rich daily devotional life, and is developing his prayer life

- Continues in the Word through regular study, memorisation and application

- Demonstrates Christ’s love by identifying with and serving other believers

- Identifies with Jesus Christ and is actively sharing his faith

- Is a learner, open and teachable

Our Vision – Where Are We Going

“Vision” is seeing what it will be like when we are succeeding. The profile above paints this picture for us individually, but as a church we are aiming …

- for sustained growth and on-going leadership development through church-planting

- for an ever broadening base to send and support effective labourers for World Mission

- to maintain a congregation of 500, and a leadership core of 12 disciple-making families

- to see a new church planted and a new missionary endeavour commissioned every five years

Our Strategy – How Are We Going To Get There

Embedded in our mission statement are three steps, each of which build upon one another in turn, like the tiers in a wedding cake;

- Evangelising – Bringing lost people back to God. (See Acts 14:21)

- Establishing – Building disciples to maturity in Christ. (See Acts 14:22)

- Equipping – Developing leaders to fruitful living. (See Acts 14:23)

- When we build into others lives to help them fulfil their potential, (as Paul the apostle charged Timothy in 2 Tim 2:2).

Then the power of multiplication kicks in as Jesus intended, and the task He left us to accomplish becomes achievable.
