
Home Groups

Home groups


Phil Emery leads our Sunday night small group in the church cafe from 5pm-7pm.


Men's home group at Shayne Higgin's home from 7:00-9:00pm.


Andrew Kelly leads our Young Adults small group at the Kelly’s home from 7:30-9:30pm.


Matt Bowers leads our Thursday night small group at the Bower's home from 6pm


Graeme Holmes leads our Friday night home group at the Holmes’ home from 7:30-9:30pm.

For directions to these home group locations, please contact the church office.

Women’s Bible Studies

Each week a “Know Your Bible” women’s bible studies are held each Monday morning at 10am in the church meeting lounge or in one of the ladies homes.

Fortnightly, there is a ladies study group who meet at the church on a Sunday morning from 9am during our 9am service.

Young Adults (Tuesday Nights)

From school leavers to late twenties, our young adults small group is the place where young adults who want their lives to count can get together and find their purpose and calling.

This small group is where young people can discover what it is that God has for them; that there is a purpose; that they really do matter; that Jesus Christ is calling them to follow Him, and to know Him and the power of His resurrection in their lives in a profound way; and that God has something incredibly significant for them to do with each our lives that will resonate for all eternity.

Jesus said “the thief comes only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy… but I have come that you might have life, and that you may have it abundantly!” There was a woman one time, who gave Him some water to drink when he was hot and tired and thirsty. He said to her “whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

We hope young people find the abundant life that satisfies the inner recesses of the human soul forever, and that flowing out of each of us in turn, countless others can find that life in Jesus Christ as well.

CCC Young Adults is currently held at the Kelly’s house each Tuesday night during school terms at 7:30pm.



During our Sunday morning services we offer a kids program during school terms:

Sunday School

Sunday-School Program for Children in Kindergarten to Grade 7. Our teachings are age-appropriate and follow a set, approved curriculum of a conservative, evangelical, biblical nature. In lessons, children hear Bible stories, concepts and explore what is taught through activities such as games and art. We aim to introduce our children to Jesus and foster their relationship with Him for life. We believe in encouraging our children to come alongside others as a caring brother or sister would. We do not discriminate against any children with special needs from our Sunday-School program. For any questions about Sunday School, please contact Kymberley Brooks.



Creche is run each week throughout the year during our Sunday morning services (excluding 2-3 weeks surrounding Christmas & New Years)

Creche is directed at children aged 0-4 and allows parents to be able to be involved in the church services as their young ones are cared for by our volunteers, all of who have current Working With Children Checks and Mandatory Notification (RAN) training.

In addition to our Creche room, there is a cry room or feeding room facility with a direct line of sight into the main auditorium, with a wet area and feeding facilities for you to privately comfort and feed your little ones, without worrying about how noisy they may be!


Youth Group

[currently not operating - details TBD]

Generally, during the school term, youth runs on:

Fridays at 7:15pm-9:15pm

for Grades 7-12

At Cross & Crown Youth our mission is to lead youth to Christ and ignite in them a courageous faith that identifies with Christ and is fueled by the Word of God.

Have a stack of fun, through games and activities, meet and hang out with other people your own age, get to know a great bunch of great leaders and hear a life-changing message. Every week we will tell you about Jesus, and how He can change your life.

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay updated on all the latest happenings at CCY!


For Women

The women’s ministries are lead by a team who look after various portfolios including special events, small groups, bible study and teaching, counselling and pastoral care.

Relationships are especially precious these days. Life is so busy, and people are feeling so isolated. That’s why social networking sites are so popular. But a lot of our lives can be lived in the virtual world. In an age when we can have virtual friends with virtual intimacy, reality is somehow becoming harder to find.

Women need to relate to other women in the real world. We need to talk to someone who’ll actually stop and listen. Someone who cares. Someone who won’t just log out when we need them.

Jesus saw people just like that, with exactly those same needs when He walked the earth 2000 years ago. The gospel tells us, “when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd...”

So many women today need a shepherd. Our prayer is that we can not only be a shepherd to many of them, but that we can help them become shepherds to others.

Our programs look pretty much like any other church’s program. The truth is programs in themselves don’t count for much. But they can be a context in which we can connect with each other, and find someone who cares… Better than that we can find someone we can care for… and make a difference for them forever.

In our program we have tried to meet the needs of all women from young singles to young mums, to working women, to homemakers, and also the retired and widowed. So if you’re local, come along, and make a real friend in the flesh.

- Women's Ministry Nights run the first Thursday of each month between March and December

- Ladies craft runs on Thursday mornings in the cafe from 10am.

- Know Your Bible groups for women operate on Mondays and Fridays at 10am.

- Fortnightly on Sunday mornings before church at 9:15am working women meet to share and encourage each other in bible study.

- We also do various one-off events like coffee and dessert evenings, conferences, concerts, film screenings and a special service at Christmas.

For more information please contact

Julie Gent // 0452 608 551

Fiona Emery // 0433 059 222


For Men

In our program we have tried to meet the needs of all men from young singles to young marrieds and dads, to working men, and also the retired and widowed. So if you’re local, come along, and make some true friends.

Men’s ministry currently holds a breakfast each Tuesday morning from 7am till 8am, where men spend time in the Word of God, fellowshipping together and sharing a hearty breakfast. $5 donation to cover breakfast costs.

We would love to see you there!


For Families


There are various programs that are run from time to time, which are aimed at strengthening and enriching marriages.

Sometimes we run a large scale seminar and other times we run small-groups in homes.

Some of materials and programs we are currently using for marriage are:

- Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage - Mark Gungor

- Connect2 - Focus on the Family

- The Marriage Course - Alpha publishing

- Love Languages small groups - working through Gary Chapman’s best seller


As with our ministry to marriages, there are different programs and materials which are run from time to time, aimed at equipping parents for the ever-evolving challenges of raising their children. Some aspects of our program are an ongoing permanent fixture, some are special seminars and other times we run short term small-groups in homes. Some of the parenting materials and programs we are currently using are:

- Parenting Revolution - Dr Robi Sonderegger

- Essentials of Discipline – Focus on the Family

- How to Drug-Proof Your Kids – usually run in conjunction with Hope Christian College

- Shepherding a Child’s Heart – small group studies based on the book run often


Hope Christian College OSHC

Hope Christian College OSHC

As an adjunct service to the Hope Christian College, we run an Out of School Hours Care program before and after school and through school holidays.

For more information on Hope Christian College OSHC, click here.


Child Protection Policy
